
According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, there are five American bald eagle nests in a five-mile radius of Apopka, Fla. A wildlife rehabilitator and falconer near Apopka teamed up with an Orlando Sentinel photographer to develop videos of an eagle in flight from the eagle's point of view. The eagle was being rehabilitated after being abandoned as a fledgling.

(Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission)

An Orlando Sentinel photographer teamed up with an Apopka, Fla., falconer to produce an amazing video of an American bald eagle in flight -- from the eagle's point of view.

Photographer Red Huber worked for months with falconer Scott McCorkle to create a lightweight harness capable of securing a tiny video camera on an eagle, which was raised in McCorkle's wife's Avian Reconditioning Center near Apopka since being found on the ground as a starving fledgling.

In Louisiana, the American bald eagle's breeding range includes all of the southeastern part of the state and the Atchafalaya River delta. While the American bald eagle is no longer considered an endangered or threatened species in the United States, it is still protected under federal law.

The story by Sentinel reporter Kevin Spear describes how Huber and McCorkle created the eagle camera harness and McCorkle's efforts to train the eagle to respond to falconer's commands.