Office of Mineral Resources

Leasing Section

617 North Third Street
P.O. Box 2827
Baton Rouge Louisiana 70821-2827
Voice 225.342.4615

The Leasing Section of the Office of Mineral Resources receives and processes applications or "nominations" for State mineral leases, State agency mineral leases, and exclusive geophysical agreements.

Staff reviews each nomination for technical accuracy and State acreage location and amount, prepare the official tract descriptions, notes and plats, generate the official advertisement copy concerning nominated tracts, and compile the Notice of Publication, including preparation of accompanying special notices, State acreage returned report and portion descriptions, and insertion of tract history, lease sale summary and lease sale per fiscal year reports.

Leasing Manual
Adobe Acrobat Format 
Related forms

OMR Function: How to Nominate a Tract for Lease
For additional functions, see the OMR How To Guide


Leasing Section staff invite State agencies having property nominated to the relevant lease sale, attend lease sales, review bids submitted on a nominated tract for technical accuracy and, if a portion bid, also review State acreage location within the tract, and prepare and circulate official lease and exclusive geophysical agreement instruments and plats for execution, recordation in the appropriate parish public records and filing in the official files maintained by the Office of Mineral Resources (OMR).

Staff confirm State acreage allocation within units, review docket items and partial releases for technical accuracy, and State acreage location and amount.

They also prepare geospatial and textual data as to nominated tracts approved for bid, leases, exclusive geophysical agreements, operating agreements, and releases for entry into the GIS Interactive Maps component of SONRIS and onto the Louisiana State Leases CD-ROM.

Staff also furnish proof of publication; of timely execution of State mineral leases; of no conflict or overlap of tracts nominated or under active lease; and of a nominated tract's location within the three-mile limit of the Louisiana coastline.


11/12/2014 'Nomination to Leasing' Presented to the State Mineral and Energy Board. Click Here: Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF)